[ faqs 1 ]
1. Can I be sure that my document will be processed by a native speaker/ authorized translator?
Anglokonsult guarantees this. All assignments are done in-house by Peter Corrigan who comes from the UK and is a state authorized translator. Read more here profile.
2. What are your charges and how do I pay you?
For translations, Anglokonsult applies a flexible rate that takes the length and nature of the document into account. For language editing and copywriting, we charge SEK 700.00 per hour, excl. VAT. You can send us your material for assessment by clicking and you will receive a quote for a price and delivery time within 24 hours. Payment is normally via Swedish postal giro. VAT @ 25 % is to be added to all jobs from EU states.
3. How long does it take to do a job?
Smaller translations and language editing assignments can normally be returned within 3 working days. Smaller assignments are texts of less than 10 pages.
4. What kind of English do you use, UK or US?
Unless otherwise agreed, we use UK English. However, US English can also be used if required.
5. Which types of assignment do you accept?
Anglokonsult accepts assignments in most areas. Please see the profile page.